Bowen technique


Bowen technique is a holistic kind of bodywork therapy. In this practice, the therapists use their fingers and thumb at specific points and makes specific therapeutic movements to bring out the desired effect.



Tom Bowen, who was a healer, introduced the Bowen technique in 1950’s. He could manipulate the muscles and soft tissues to relieve the suffering. He could feel the tension in the muscles and could precisely locate the area that needed to be manipulated.

He was not a trained therapist and he tried to be a part of the osteopaths, however, he was not accepted as one.



During the practice of Bowen therapy, no force is applied. The therapists use their fingers gently on the body parts and attempt to relieve the tension. Certain movements are practiced, following which there is an interval for 2 minutes. During this period, the therapist leaves the room, while the treatment takes effect and also allows the patient to completely relax. Depending on the condition, usually 1-3 sets of treatment may be required. Chronic conditions may require treatment for a longer duration. Any other specifications regarding eating, drinking water and rest need to be followed according to the therapist’s guidance.



Bowen technique is considered useful in many disorders. Some examples are, muscular problems like back pain, frozen shoulder, neck pain, tennis elbow, carpal tunnel syndrome, knee pain, foot problems, ankle sprains, etc. Some other cases of soft organs include bowel and bladder problems, menstrual irregularities, digestive troubles, etc.

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